Monday, January 12, 2009

We are officially live!!

After a brief tug-o-war between our old web servers and our new hosting servers, we've finally got our new website online! If you have any suggestions please post it on the blog. We are always trying to be better. We expect great things in 2009 and we hope you'll be along for the ride.

Get 'er done!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Welcome to 2009

Welcome to the NEW Saddle Up 4 Good Blog spot!! Ray and Mr. Morris have some big plans in '09 and want everyone to stay tuned and be involved. The cowboys have found themselves a new posse and are ready to Get 'er done! The mission hasn't changed as Ray and Mr. Morris bring awareness to At Risk Children and Battered Women. The Saddle Up 4 Good Posse is poised for a take over in 2009. Be a part of the "Positive Stampede" coming your way.

BTW: Ray and Mr. Morris consider themselves the best riders on the East coast. And, they're not afraid to tell you!